Facial Cupping can help with sinus trouble year round and when you feel your worst at allergy season. It also just feels really good and gives those muscles in your face a little more attention.

You can take a more in depth look on our blog, but if you’re ready to dive in, here are some fast facts and questions people have about the maintenance and care of their facial cups.




  • There are a lot of benefits to facial cupping. Some include:

    -Increased blood circulation

    -Stimulating collagen production

    -Firm and tone skin

    -Reduce acne scarring and hyperpigmentation

    -Relieve sinus congestion

    -Relieve facial tension

    -Meditative application process

  • Don’t feel like you have to go out and get something fancy, you may have just the right oil in your cupboard or at the grocery store.

    If you have sensitive skin, check if the oil or ingredients are “comedogenic”. This means they’re more likely to “cause blackheads by blocking the pores of the skin.”

    Not everyone breaks out from comedogenic ingredients so be sure to test any new products or treatments before using it all over your face.

    Some suggestions:

    -If coconut oil works well with your skin, that can be a great place to start.

    -Some people who are more acne prone may want to start with hemp oil, jojoba oil or shea butter.

    Here are some of our favorite brands on our blog!

  • It’s actually pretty easy! Take your favorite biodegradable cleaning wipe and wipe down the glass barrel after each use.

    You can also clean it with regular old soap and water.