We’re Going Virtual!
Kinetric Wellness is providing Couples Workshops Via Zoom for Individual Couples or Groups.
Suggested Donation: $20 per couple
Classes can hold 6 - 10 couples.
You can choose who you have classes with or we can assign you to a group.
$150.00 (Same as an in person appointment)
Once you've booked, I will send you an invoice and the link to our ZOOM call. This course is two hours long and you will have the option of booking it all at once, or breaking it into two segments. Be mindful of your options when booking your appointment!
What is a Couples Workshop & Why Would You Need One?
Imagine the scenario:
You're home, your shoulders are tight. You look over at your partner for some help but wonder if you’re better off getting a massage from a pro-wrestler.
Your partner is not a massage therapist.
Time to call in the professionals!
This 2 hour class won’t be about learning how to dig your elbows into each other’s shoulders. Instead, I’ve written this whole workshop so that you can learn EFFECTIVE WAYS of helping one another through breathwork, stretching each other and simple, no-excuse movements that will get you working out all your pain and discomfort.
First Half of Course
Morning stretch (instead of hitting the snooze button, DO THIS)
Headache relief
Second half:
Stretching each other
Easy movements to do daily
Then we spend 1/2 hr of time working on something SPECIFICALLY for you. For example, if you had surgery on your right knee and you’re always in pain. I WILL ASSESS and show your partner how to work on what’s causing that problem.
You walk away from this learning so much more about each other’s needs which brings you closer together.